Instore Experiences

When people enter a store they want to be able to have experiences and develop a greater understanding of your brand. In order to do this, brands can look to turn their average brick and mortar store into something more intriguing and interesting, and create an experience that draws attention to their brand. It has been noted that 76% of all consumers would prefer to spend money on experiences, rather than products themselves. Thus, it is important that brands can look to introduce more experiences to help them provide consumers with what they are after.

What is an Instore Experience?

Instore experiences, refer to anything a person can touch, feel, see or hear, through their purchasing process within a physical store. The better experience that consumers can have within a store, the greater likelihood that they will have a more positive outlook on the brand. When people can see touch and feel a product, they are more likely to be open to using or trying it. The more that brands can immerse their consumers into an experience whilst shopping in a store, the more likely they will purchase products from your store. Consumers want to create positive memories and Crowd Culture can help you deliver exactly that!

How Important an Instore experience?

The human touch and immersive experience goes a long way for brands, and pays off in the long run. Being able to maximise the potential that retail activations can offer your brand, will be important in building relationships with consumers. People desire to have physical and emotional experiences more than ever, and in a world where retail is fighting against the rise of online shopping, it is very important that brands can create real world experiences to draw their customers in. The more positive and exciting the experiences, the more satisfaction and enjoyment consumers will have with your brand.

Why work with Crowd Culture?

At Crowd Culture, we seek to use our years of knowledge and trends to create an immersive experience that will enhance a brands overall customer experience, whilst being able to take the key values and styles of a brand, to ensure that they can create experiences that reflect the values of the brand. With a number of projects that we have completed in the past, we can help provide you with a clear and detailed understanding of how we can improve your overall brand experience.

Our Other Offered Services

Event and Festival Experiences

People at festivals are always looking to have the best possible enjoyment they can, so it provides the perfect opportunity for a brand to create an exciting and engaging experience for people to enjoy.

Shopping Centre Experiences

Shopping Centres experiences are a great way to enhance the customer journey, from awareness to the final purchase.


Does Crowd Culture have size limitations when it comes to Instore Experiences?

Instore Experiences are bound to the size and space your store has. The elements used seek to blend into the physical aspects of the store, and make the whole purchase experience memorable and positive for the consumers. Therefore, Instore experiences are actually part of the design and style of the store, so they only take up the key areas of the store and its overall shape.

How Much Do Instore Experiences cost??

Instore experiences can range depending on the elements that are involved. With visuals such as screens and graphics, to audio visual and other options, there are a number of variables that can contribute to the cost. However, Instore experiences are certainly a more cost effective option than a complete separate retail activation, and can have similar results. Find out more about our various options here!

What Are The Best Ways To Promote My Instore Experience?

Little to none! The great thing about an in store experience is that they are a promotional tool already, and can help draw customers to check out your store. Incorporating User Generated Content (UGC) through social media prompts, can help to provide promotion without the need to spend on advertising and other promotional tools. Crowd Culture can help guide you in providing CTA’s in your store to promote your overall experience.

Get in touch - Book a strategy session today!

Crowd Culture has been involved with creating a number of unique experiences, seeking to take an ordinary brick and mortar location into an experience that will make consumers want to keep visiting your store, over others. Get in touch with us today!

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Crowd Culture has been involved with creating a number of unique experiences, seeking to take an ordinary brick and mortar location into an experience that will make consumers want to keep visiting your store, over others. Get in touch with us today!

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